Time for a new start
10 Jan 2024
Most of us reach a point in our working lives where we are feeling stuck, unfulfilled or simply ready for a change but should we stick it out and see what the new year brings, or take the plunge and start looking for a new role? Recognising when it’s time to move on is crucial both for career growth and your well-being. Here are the top 3 reasons to ring the changes.
Whilst we all have off days, if the thought of going to work (in-person or remotely) fills you with dread day after day, it’s definitely time to re-assess. A toxic work environment is likely to have a detrimental impact on your mental and emotional well-being. If the demands on your time are consistently excessive and unreasonable, there is an unsupportive atmosphere or you regularly experience harassment or bullying behaviour, it's a strong sign that your workplace is unhealthy. Your well-being should never be compromised for a job.
One of the most significant indicators that it's time to consider a new job is the absence of growth and development opportunities in your current role. If you find yourself performing the same tasks day in and day out, with little to no room for deepening or expanding your experience, you’ll soon be hitting a career plateau. A lack of growth can lead to stagnation and eventually hinder your long-term career prospects.
Feeling undervalued and underappreciated is likely to take a toll on your motivation and self-esteem. It’s hard to remain positive when your employer doesn't listen to your concerns or fully recognise your contributions, and your efforts consistently go unnoticed or unrewarded. Moving to a company that values and acknowledges your experience, hard work and potential can significantly improve your job satisfaction and overall happiness.
Recognising the signs that it’s time to start looking for a new job is important both for your career development and your well-being. If you would like a confidential chat about your own situation, do get in touch. Call Cathy on 020 3303 0020 or email cathy@buckley-consulting.co.uk